Sunday, April 27, 2014

The History of Korean Acupuncture - 1

The sone needles and bone neddles in preservation of national Museum of Korea, a relics of the Stone Age, Which were found at Song-pyong-Don, Unggi, Hamgyong North Province in 1929, tesitfy the fact that the ancient Korea was the cradle land of acupuncture.
In those days, Korean acupuncture had been introduced to the main land of China where it was systematized academically.
The book of Hwang-jai-nai-kyong in 19 volumes, systematized by academic research, was re-introduced to Korea by Chi-chong of Dynasty of China during the regin of King Pyong-won of Kokuryo Dynasty(561 A.D).
Later, during the reign of King Seon-jo of Lee Dynasty Sa-am-do-in, who was a pupil of Sa-myong dai-sa, Buddhist high priest, published a rare book named "Chimku-Yokyol" (the secret of acupuncture and moxibustion), establishing treatment-formulas of acupuncture based on the theory of five elements.

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